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Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2021

Not everything is for everyone

 Not everything is for everyone  Trying new stuff is liberating. Discover something new in order to know if that's your thing is something made only for the wisest and bravest ones. But not everything is for everyone, trying to convince yourself otherwise can become frustrating. Cross-fit is not for everyone, once I tried and couldn't move for about 3 weeks. My friend told me I was gonna love it but believe me when I tell you that even if something is trendy, it doesn't mean it's for everyone. I'm gonna talk about some stuff I have discovered that are not made for everyone. Twerking as far as being way funnier than cross-fit is not for everyone. Some days ago my father asked me what was twerking, so I show him some videos and I can assure you that twerking is not made for my dad. So twerking is not for everyone. Wine tasters love doing their thing, while some others like me consider it ridiculous trying one wine to spit out and then taste another one. Let me tell yo

5 ways to improve your mood

Light up your mood. It is true that being in a good mood all the time is not an easy job, but in this article I'll share with you some tips in order to improve your mood when you don't feel like it. Get outside As it may seem simple, getting some fresh air can be a big game changer. Our bodies weren't designed to sit under florescent lights all day, everyday. Sometimes you need just to clear you head for a while. Smile and laugh   As much as you may feel like it, as silly as it may seem, sometimes kicking negativity is as easy as smiling. Smiling can trick your brain, sparking a chemical reaction that really can boost your mood instantaneously. It couldn't be more true that laugh is the best medicine for the soul.  Put your phone away for a while   Too much blue light can be bad for our brain and our mood. Opt for doing something outside like walk or even a good book would be amazing. Take care of yourself  Work out, cut your hair, paint your nails, get a massage, go to

Adrenalina y juegos mecánicos

  Adrenalina y juegos mecánicos. Lo que no te mata te hace mas fuerte. ¿Será cierto? Hace unos días visité un parque de atracciones con mi mejor amiga y me sorprendió mucho como un juego al que le temía, termine por subirme una y otra vez y lo disfrutaba, hice este artículo para descubrir cual era la razón de haber reaccionado de esa forma. Empecemos por definir,  ¿qué es la adrenalina? También conocida como epinefrina, es una hormona que aparece como respuesta del cuerpo ante el estrés.  Casi todo el mundo puede entonces disfrutar de las emociones que provocan las montañas rusas, pero como todo en la vida, se recomienda moderación, debido a que la respuesta a las sustancias a las que se está expuesto durante este tipo de atracciones, son similares a las que genera la cocaína, por eso puede ser adictiva, explica Brendan Walker, ingeniero aeronáutico y experto en emociones. Un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad de Pensilvania señala que no existen riegos a largo plazo por subirse

It's okay not to be okay

 It's okay not to be okay Have you ever been crying that your friend tells you not to cry anymore? Well, in this article I'll talk about why we need that sadness in our life, why it is important just the way happiness is. If you feel like crying, cry until you're dry, you must be saying what are you talking about. Lets start talking about what crying is, what does it mean? Crying by definition is shedding tears as a sign of pain, sadness, joy and need. But lets get a little more into it, some philosophers claim that crying is the way of the soul to express the emotion that's inside of us.  Now that we're aware of what means it's fare to say that suppressing the tears makes no good for anyone. Crying doesn't make us weak in any way, remember that. It simply just makes us humans. It means that we're alive. Life sometimes is such a pain in the ass for that reason it's completely fine not being okay sometimes. It happens to all of us and I would dare eve

Colors meaning

  Color meaning and phycology   Throughout the history color schemes has often been used to define different feelings and emotions. This blog is about what each color represents in others eyes and ours. Helping to let you know which color you should use depending the occasion and what you want to represent.  Red .     A color known for being the color of passion and drama. It attracts the most of attention and is associated with strong emotions such as love and anger. Mostly it aspires danger, courage, strength and power. When it comes to Chinese culture red represents luck and prosperity. It is recommended to use it when you want to inspire action. Yellow The optimism color. Yellow represents happiness given that is the sunshine's color. It coveys youthful and fresh energy, associated with success and confidence. It is known for being one of the colors which the eyes see first. But also it can signifies cowardice. Pink   The color of sensitivity that the passion of red combined

Benefits of listening to music

 Benefits of listening to music  Music is all around us. But, have you ever wondered if it has an impact on our health, mind and body. In this article you'll read some unexpected benefits of listening to music. 1. Eases the pain. As incredible as it may seem, it works even when it's not medicine. Music reduce stress levels, as well as it provides strong competing stimulus to pain signals. It reduce the perceived intensity of pain, especially in geriatric care, intensive care or palliative medicine. 2. Increases happiness. Listening to music for at least 15 minutes induce the brain to release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that increases feelings of happiness. Beyond others like excitement and joy. 3. Increases workout endurance  Music has a direct effect on body hormones. It lowers the levels of the hormone cortisol in the body, counteracting the effects of chronic stress. Having that stress causes 60 percent of all illnesses and ailments, so by lowering levels of stress we obtai

How to make Macarons?

 How to make Macarons at home? A french cookie, as difficult as it may seem, it is pretty much easy to cook. In this article I'll show you the recipe including ingredients, tools and procedure. Believe me once you try them, you'll love them. The estimated time of cooking is about 30 minutes, including another 30 min of preparation. Total time 2 hours aprox. Ingredients Super Fine Almond Flour:  Remember, almond flour is NOT almond meal.  Powdered Sugar:  Powdered sugar will both sweeten and thicken your macaron batter. You’ll also use powdered sugar in your desired filling. Granulated Sugar:  To help aerate and whip up your egg whites into stiff peaks. Egg Whites Food colouring (optional) Tools you'll need   Kitchen scale, standmixer, sifter, parchment paper, cookie sheet, piping bag. Procedure Are you ready? I hope you are, this is gonna be just fun. Step 1.   Y ou have to measure   While it is true that it shouldn't be so hard to make them, it is also true that you m

¿Qué es un TAG pase?

Todo lo que necesitas saber del TAG pase para la carretera. Es un dispositivo para el transito de los automovilistas por diferentes vías de telepeaje, su función es automatizar el cobro de la cuota de manera satelital al cruzar las casetas. Cabe mencionar que esta tarjeta o dispositivo generalmente va pegado al parabrisas del auto. ¿Cómo funciona? Se instala en el vehículo y lo detectan los sensores en diferentes carreteras de pago, agilizando el transito de los múltiples vehículos. Cuando pases por la entrada de la autopista que estes a punto de utilizar este sensor detectara cuanto saldo posees y si es suficiente para pagar dicho peaje, permitiendo el acceso inmediatamente después de validar la cifra, u na vez que salgas de la autopista o vía de acceso controlado, el cobro será efectuado directamente en el saldo de tu tag, para lo cual el sistema calculará tu punto de entrada y salida para saber cuánto cobrarte.  Es te también permite el pago de estacionamientos afiliados y carretera

What Disney mean to me

 What Disney mean to me... I 've meet several people who have asked me why I love Disney so much. Well, I'm here to talk about that. Besides, who knows maybe you end up liking it the way I do. I remember Disney from most of my childhood, since I was just a baby and yeah I used to love it but surely not for the same reason I do nowadays.  Allow me make it clear. As I grew up, I continued asking myself the same question. Why can't life be the way it is in Disney movies? I can assure you that question haven't been answered to me yet but what I do realised is the real meaning of Disney. Most people would claim that Disney is nothing but some fiction made for kids and kids only. Well I would dare to say that the way I see it, they are wrong. We live in a world and a life that keeps reminding us suffer, sadness, violence, concern, illnesses, death, etc. Don't you believe me? Turn on the T.V and go ahead to watch the news. You'll find nothing but tragic stuff. I know y


What's up with fear? I-know you must be wondering what is this article about. We'll talk about everything when it comes to fear.  The term emotion is defined as an impulse and or movement to improve, move forward, etc. Most people would claim that fear is nothing but a bad emotion, but they're completely wrong. Fear becomes something bad in our lives when we do not know how to handle it. Fear main propose is to protect us from danger, that is its main role.  I even would dare to say that it is something that save us from dying.   But when does it become an obstacle in our daily life? When it stops us from trying and doing new things. Giving things a try is an art and not everyone knows how to approach it. Living with fear is not living at all. Most fears are harmless, but some of them keep us from reaching our real potential.  Let me explain myself imagine you're afraid to water but you'd like to learn how to swim. I couldn't assure you that if you try you'

How to be a better person?

  How to be a better person? If you have asked yourself how to be a better person, you are in the right place. Firstly I must tell you that this is not an article about how to be a better person that other, It is about how to be a better version of yourself.  Think about this for a while, lets suppose you live your entire life being and keeping yourself just the same, some people would say that's perfectly fine and yeah, it is. But why not being much more better than who we already are. Do you have any idea of how many possibilities arrive when you change a little bit, for the better of course? Lets define what better means. Better means that you improve something no matter how big or small it is. Being better in fact means to act in any way better. Better than what? Than you just did a second ago or yesterday to be logical. This are some pieces of advices in order to improve yourself. 1. Be grateful More than you were yesterday and with everyone around you, even be thankful for wh

How to be happier?

How to be happier? If you have wondered what to do to be a happier person, you are in the correct place. There is indeed no magic potion for happiness but surely there must be something you can do in order to be happier than you are right now. In this article I'll give you some clues, they have worked for me and I even would dare to say that, yes, I consider myself a happier person after putting this into action. Stop caring about what other people think. This despite not being easy is one of the biggest reasons of human unhappiness. When you realise how exhausting is taking everyone's opinion so personal and trying to fulfil their expectations, you start focusing on yourself. Focus on what you like and what you don't and make it you priority without worrying if people like it or not.  Besides, people always talk, always have something to say when it comes to judge others life. Most importantly, remember, if it makes you happy. I'm talking about anything, any decision i

5 must have hobbies

5 must have hobbies. In this article, we'll talk about this five hobbies in order to have a life balance. You can go ahead and try them for sometime and realise how much your life changes. None of the hobbies mentioned above is more important than the other. One is the pilar of the other. One to make you money  It is no surprise for anyone that money is definitely necessary to have good life style. Money may not give you happiness but surely it'll provide you the tools needed to be happy.  I've read a bunch of business and economic books and there's something I've learn from all of them. Money is highly criticised  by most people, considering it as nothing but a bad thing specially big amounts of it. Money is nothing but a good resource when we spend, save and earn it honestly and in a clever way. It give us the chance to travel, eat in a fancy restaurant, buy gifts for the people we love, etc. One to keep you in shape  Remember that no matter what you do, if your h

¿Cómo aprender inglés?

¿Cómo aprender inglés? Una de las preguntas que usualmente nos planteamos cuando empezamos a aprender un idioma es cómo podemos aprenderlo más rápido y más fácilmente. Por suerte el inglés es un idioma que esta en todos los lugares a los que vayamos, en la tele, anuncios, videos, productos, la cuenta es interminable. Pero, que podemos hacer con eso? Cómo aprovechar la magnitud que tiene la lengua en el mundo para aprender más rápido?. En este artículo te contamos como aprender inglés de manera más rápida y eficaz. 1. Televisión y películas Una de las mejores maneras de practicar escuchar inglés y que tienes al alcance de tu mano. Me atrevería a decir que el 80% si no es que más de las películas que vemos su idioma original es en inglés, hoy en día tenemos la facilidad de cambiar el idioma de las películas en casi todas las plataformas. Por qué verla en español cuando la podrías ver en inglés? No solo hay gente que aprende inglés solo escuchando sino que le sirve incluso a la gente que

Cafes en CDMX

 Cafeterías que debes de visitar en CDMX  Si has estado aburrido o has querido salir por un café con alguien y no sabes a donde ir, en este articulo te enlistamos las 5 mejores cafeterías para una tarde de cafecito y platica. 1. Isabella café  Esta ubicado en la Calle Durango 330, Roma Norte.  Además de un excelente atención al cliente, en esta cafetería predomina el ambiente en color rosa, flores y luces neón. Ideal para una cita con tu amiga. Super instagrameable. Se recomienda para desayunos y brunch.  2.Café Milou  Se encuentra en Av, Tamaulipas 60, Hipódromo Condesa.  Si eres de esos que no les gusta la extravagancia y aprecia la belleza en las cosas simples, este es el lugar perfecto, con un estilo francés. Perfecto para tomar un café o incluso una copa de vino. Decorado con hermosas mesas de mármol, y paredes de ladrillo blanco. 3.Blend Station  De igual forma se ubica en Av, Tamaulipas 60, Hipódromo Condesa. En este lugar predomina el ambiente artístico, haciendo un homenaje al