Not everything is for everyone Trying new stuff is liberating. Discover something new in order to know if that's your thing is something made only for the wisest and bravest ones. But not everything is for everyone, trying to convince yourself otherwise can become frustrating. Cross-fit is not for everyone, once I tried and couldn't move for about 3 weeks. My friend told me I was gonna love it but believe me when I tell you that even if something is trendy, it doesn't mean it's for everyone. I'm gonna talk about some stuff I have discovered that are not made for everyone. Twerking as far as being way funnier than cross-fit is not for everyone. Some days ago my father asked me what was twerking, so I show him some videos and I can assure you that twerking is not made for my dad. So twerking is not for everyone. Wine tasters love doing their thing, while some others like me consider it ridiculous trying one wine to spit out and then taste another ...