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Colors meaning

 Color meaning and phycology 

Throughout the history color schemes has often been used to define different feelings and emotions. This blog is about what each color represents in others eyes and ours. Helping to let you know which color you should use depending the occasion and what you want to represent. 

Red.    A color known for being the color of passion and drama. It attracts the most of attention and is associated with strong emotions such as love and anger. Mostly it aspires danger, courage, strength and power. When it comes to Chinese culture red represents luck and prosperity. It is recommended to use it when you want to inspire action.


The optimism color. Yellow represents happiness given that is the sunshine's color. It coveys youthful and fresh energy, associated with success and confidence. It is known for being one of the colors which the eyes see first. But also it can signifies cowardice.


The color of sensitivity that the passion of red combined with the purity of white create this color associated mostly with love, tranquility and femininity. It is also associated with tenderness and nurturing while conveying a sense of safety and even vulnerability.


The color of trust. Blue, the shade of the sea and sky. It induce calm,  tranquility, serenity and peace. The popular color instils confidence and inspires feelings of trust, loyalty, integrity and responsibility. Cool blue is conservative and can also be perceived as aloof. Given that not many foods are associated with it, it tends to suppress the appetite.


Known as the color of growth and health. Green has a strong association is refreshing and peaceful color. Eat a box feelings of abundance and plentiful environment while providing a restful and secure feeling. Not forgetting that it could be also perceived materialistic and possessive.


The color spirituality. The energy of red with the calm of blue combine to create violet, a color that inspires reflection and self awareness. This color represents sensitivity, compassion. It is also associated with royalty and characteristics of quality and luxury. In a negative meaning it can invoke irritability and arrogance.


A mysterious color. Black actually the lack of color. It is a strong and powerful color. It is formal and sophisticated, sexy and secretive. We could tell that is the color of things that are scary and evil. It also conveys pessimism and lack of hope, that's the main reason of why people use it in funerals. Moreover, it signifies power and control. It is considered unfriendly and intimidating, yet still refined, elegant and confident.


The color of compromise. Grey is  considered to be an unemotional, detached color seeking to avoid attention. It conveys gloom and depression. One of the most conservative colors. It can also conjure up feelings of frustration. Grey is linked with maturity and protection, being reliable and practical. Even when it cannot be considered as a glamorous color yet it is still elegant.


And encouragement color. It conveys excitement, warmth and enthusiasm. This is a color known for extrovert and exuding happiness and joy, releasing inhibitions. It's important to mention that it stimulates the appetite and it is associated with healthy good. When it comes to a negative meaning it means in sincerity, exhibitionism and self indulgence. 


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