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Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2021

Do not worry

 Do not worry I pretty much know that it's easier to say it rather than do it. The thing is that worry about something isn't that bad, on the other hand we make it bad. Here is the key, it's all about worrying without getting sick, as everything in life excess in any kind of way is never good. Worry it's okay, but let me tell you why. It's an stimulus, not as bad as you may think. It's what make us react, change and move on. Worry from the basic stuff like basic needs to life changes. In the best of the cases it took us away from our comfort zones.  But it can be kind of tricky because from the moment we disregard, it becomes that  kind of worry that can make anyone feel sick. Have you heard that most of the illnesses are caused by stress? Well it's true and now another question. What does worry becomes when you can't find a solution? If your answer was stress, you're right.  Whenever you can't solve your issues you start worrying and if they hav

Let go

 Letting go  Let   go of something or someone can be anything but easy. But why is that? Maybe the easiest answer would be attachment to a lot of stuff. We wish that things that make us happy would last forever. It's sad but true when people say that nothing last forever. Everything happens for a reason, in the moment that it was supposed to happen but after completing its propose it eventually ends or in human cases, die.  Sometimes people arrive to our lives for two reasons either they teach us something or we do. But no one would dispute that when they left it hurts, specially when a strong relation took place in the bottom of our hearts, because they leave a blank in our lives or at least that's what most of us think. Maybe we're wrong because that space is already filled since the day they came into our lives, no matter if they stay or go. That space is filled with the moments, the laughs, the teachings and the memories that never leave.  We are made of matter and for


El hipo y sus causas. A todos nos ha pasado que te da hipo y no sabes porque. En este artículo te contamos las razones y lo que puede provocar en tu cuerpo, agregaremos algunos consejos para quitar el hipo ya que no negaremos que puede llegar a ser muy molesto. Tal vez te preguntes de dónde vienen esos extraños sonidos. La culpa es del diafragma. Se trata de un músculo en forma de bóveda que se encuentra en la parte baja del pecho, y es allí donde empieza el hipo. El diafragma casi siempre funciona a la perfección. Desciende cuando inhalas para ayudarte a llenar de aire los pulmones. Y se relaja en el momento en que inhalas para poder llenar los pulmones de aire. Cuando exhalas, se relaja para que el aire salga a través de la nariz y boca. Pero a veces el diafragma se irrita. Cuando esto pasa, el diafragma desciende de forma brusca y hace que entre aire en la garganta de golpe, choca contra tu laringe, tus cuerdas vocales se cierran repentinamente, provocando hipo. Las cosas que genera


Multitasking  ¿Puede nuestro cerebro hacer varias cosas a la vez? ¿Será verdad?  El cerebro recibe miles de estímulos al día y necesita ser capaz de discernir lo que es importante y lo que no, focalizarnos en una tarea y dejar pasar otras que hasta cierto punto no son tan importantes. Pues es cierto que es imposible que estemos atentos a todo, todo el tiempo.  ¿Se pueden realizar dos o tres tareas al mismo tiempo con la máxima eficiencia posible? Nuestro cerebro, para optimizar su rendimiento, no es capaz de ser multitarea. Según un informe realizado por el Consejo Nacional de Seguridad de Estados Unidos. El cerebro, para ser capaz de hacer dos tareas, debe secuenciar y priorizar su realización. Es decir, primero se considerará una actividad, y luego hará la otra. Si queremos tratar de llevar a cabo dos ejercicios a la vez, la mente ordenará su realización concentrando distintos grados de atención en fases separadas y diferentes. Entre esas etapas, el cerebro necesita un tiempo de reac


Potential  What do we mean by that? The way I see it potential is nothing but a duty, the thing is that not all of us have the willpower in order to take advantage of this gift.  I already gave you some key words like duty and gift. The most reasonable definition of potential when it comes to asking people is reaching the best version, and they are not wrong in any way.  I'm clearly not talking about a topic in an specific way, because this involves a lot of stuff. My point is that potential is all around us and literally in us. Today, someone told me that she had a friend who past away. She said that her dream was becoming a great musician, she just played amazing. The surprise for me was when she told me her friend had died with the music inside of her. It's impressive the truth in her words because they made me realised that when we don't get 100% of our potential and we die, we die with still something inside of us, something that we could have given the world but most


 Expectations  It is true that everyone has been disappointed at least once. And this talking in general. But have we ever wonder what is that causes this disappointment? It's important to say that I'm talking from my own experience and point of view and that mean that you can  either  agree with me or not and that's totally fine. I'll dare to say that if not all, 99% of disappointments in our life have been caused by expectations. Allow me to make myself clear. We generate expectations everyday from waking up to going to bed of how great we expect the day to be, how we expect things we want to come to us, and the main point I want to emphasise is expecting people to react the way we want, we expect them to return what we give them,  we expect to receive what we give. But disappointingly life is not a wish granted factory, it just does not work that way.  Creating expectations is nothing but some way of creating disappointment as well. Because something is true and I ca

Be selfish

Be selfish  What do I mean when I say so? It had happened to everyone that someone calls you selfish for putting your self before them. If you've heard it don't worry most people call you selfish not because you are but because they are. Because they want to be above all, they do not realise that in fact the world doesn't revolve around them.  Let me make myself clear I'm surely not saying do not think in anyone but yourself, what I 'm saying goes hand in hand with something that you usually hear in the airports. It says "Put the oxygen mask on yourself first, in order to help others". You need to know that there's nothing wrong with putting yourself first, actually it id what everyone should do.  I've realise that people who first look after itself and then after others is 10 times more useful than people who is always worrying for pleasing everyone but itself. Believe me when I tell you that no matter how much you care about others, how much you

Leave it for tomorrow

 Leave it for later  Not one but all of us have heard this at least once. I'll do it tomorrow is one of the most used quotes. But how often do we use it and why? It's quite impressive how often we use this phase and I'll dare to say that it's in human nature to postpone stuff that could be done today.  There are countless reasons but I'll mention the more common ones.  Laziness, hesitation, or even afraid. The thing is that people usually say tomorrow but lets be totally honest with our selves, tomorrow doesn't mean tomorrow. It means that you have one of the previous reasons given for not to do it. It's incredible how much we would be able to achieve if we wanted to.  Unfortunately it has been proved that the principal incentive to do something for a human being is need. Need to eat, to have a good life style that includes, home, food and dress. But if you ask most people. If they would work not having need of anything, I'm sure that 99% of them would a

Consecuencias del consumo de sal

 ¿Qué pasa con el consumo de sal? Si bien parecería muy inocente el echarle una pizca de sal a nuestros alimentos del día a día. No sabemos lo que esto puede traernos ya sea a largo o corto plazo. En este artículo te mencionamos algunas de las consecuencias que el alto consumo de sal puede ocasionar. Hipertensión  El alto consumo de sal es una de las principales causas de hipertensión en la población. L a ingesta exagerada de sodio, especialmente a la forma de sal (cloruro de sodio), produce un incremento sostenido de la presión arterial, que junto a la obesidad y al sedentarismo, aumentan el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades cardiovasculares y cerebrovasculares. Cáncer de estómago  Se ha demostrado que el consumo excesivo de sal se relaciona fuertemente con este tipo de cáncer entre 39 poblaciones de 24 países. También se demostró que la infección por Helicobacter pylori que causa tanto úlceras de duodeno y gástricas como cáncer de estómago, está asociada con el consumo de sal. La reducci

The way things are

 That's just the way it should be... We've heard that quote and maybe more than once. I recently watched the movie WonderWoman 1984 and it literally blow my mind, it may me realised so many things I hadn't. While it is true that it would be amazing having all want we want, it is also true that we would be everything but realistic. But have the idea of having everything you want come to your mind? In that case, have you ever thought about the consequences? Because it may look perfect but as everything in life, it can't be black and white. I've learn that everyone wants more, wants someone who died back, a better job, someone to love, more money, power, recognition. Things just to be different than the way the are.  I'm gonna ask you a question. Is there anything you'd like of your life to be different?  I'm pretty sure that 99% would answer yes. But imagine if everyone could get what they want. The world would end up in nothing but chaos. Maybe I'm no

A great day

 What does a day need to be a great day? Have you ever felt like your day wasn't as good as you were expecting it to be? If you have, you would not be the only one. Must of us have made some kind of expectations of a great day in our heads. It could be with some special people included, something that we want to happen, etc. And if those expectations are not fulfil, we would qualified the day as a bad day.  But maybe it's not the day, maybe it's us. Maybe it's the perfect day and we don't know it because we're way to busy wondering what if. Why not appreciate it just the way it is? I'm not gonna lie, I've also have days that are a pain in the ass but maybe that's the way it should be. Bad times sometimes doesn't lead to worst ones but instead better ones.  It is in human nature indeed, wanting more and more, and that's perfectly fine. Never being okay with having just a little some of something. The problem begins when we are not aware of wha

Friendship meaning

  What does friendship means?  Countless times I have asked myself what a friend is and its important role in anyones life. It's important to say that I'll talking from my own experience about friendship and what means to me. Since I was just a kid I remember my life surrounded by people, and why do I say people and not friends? Well, because as I grew up I started realising that I could easily be surrounded by a lot of people but only few of them were my friends, real ones.  This leads me to ask what a real friend is?  I would personally say that a friend is surely not a person you see or talk every day but someone in who you think when your in trouble and you truly know is gonna stand by you no matter what. I'm not saying only big trouble, from crying alone to be in jail. A few years ago I heard a quote in the serie called Pretty Little Liars that said. "That's the good thing about friends, they're not your family, they accept you for who you are"  It ma

Tomar agua

 Importancia de tomar agua  Todos o la mayor parte de nosotros sabemos que nuestro cuerpo está hecho un 70% de agua y por lo tanto es un elemento esencial para mantenerlo sano y en forma. Algunas de sus principales funciones son: limpiar el organismo, eliminar las toxinas, es un eficaz vehículo para transportar las vitaminas y sales minerales que necesitan nuestras células. Sabiendo todo esto, en este articulo te mencionaremos las ventajas de mantener tu cuerpo hidratado. Aliviar la fatiga  Ya que una de las funciones de esta es eliminar las toxinas y productos de deshecho que nuestro cuerpo ya no necesita. Cuando menos agua en el cuerpo, el corazón tiene que trabajar más para bombear la sangre oxigenada a todas las células y otros órganos principales, la obstrucción de lo anterior podría causar fatiga. Correcta digestión  Cuando bebemos la suficiente agua, la tasa de metabolismo aumenta, es decir, los alimentos se descomponen apropiadamente. Belleza de la piel  Esta ayuda a reponer lo

Sleeping 8 Hours

 The importance of sleeping  It would be no one surprise when I say that nobody can live without sleeping. But have you ever questioned yourself about how many hours should you sleep or about the consequences of not doing so. In this blog I'll answer most of those. Lots of factors are involved when it comes to sleeping. I dare to say that the most important plus determinant factors are, energy drinks (coffee, sodas, beyond others), electronic devices, light, age, life style, nutrition, etc. Moreover, most studies about how many hours we should sleep are related with age. Kids between 6 and 13 years old should sleep from 9 to 11 hours. Teenagers between 14 and 17 years old should sleep from 8.5 to 10h. Younger adults between 18 and 25 should sleep from 7 to 9h. Adults between 26 and 64 should sleep same rage as younger adults. Elderly people further 65 years old should sleep from 7 to 8h. Finally, now that we now the recommended hours of sleep, lets talk about the consequences of

Incremento del dólar

¿De qué depende que suba o baje el dólar? Si bien es algo sumamente importante de conocer la razón que genera este constante cambio, sin importar si se es negociante o se tiene alguna relación directa con el dólar. Aunque muchos lo considerarían un factor externo que no les afecta directamente, me atrevería a decir que están en un error ya que siendo vecinos de un país que es potencia mundial, te sorprendería saber que un incremento en el precio del dólar no hace más que pasar a afectarnos a todos. Empezando por incrementar los precios de muchos o la mayoría de los productos que consumimos, ya sea al aumentar el precio de transportación, exportación y precio del producto en si. Pero vamos, la pregunta aquí es la causa de este cambio . El dólar se ha convertido en dinero financiero, lo que quiere decir que el Gobierno es el encargado de decidir cuanto dinero se va a imprimir. Desde entonces el Sistema de la Reserva Federal, influye en el precio y la circulación de esta divisa, establec

Efectos del cubrebocas en la piel

 Efectos del cubrebocas en la piel y algunas soluciones  El tapabocas ha pasado a formar parte de la vida cotidiana de todos. Y si bien la gente en general al iniciar la pandemia comentaba tener la piel en mejor estado que nunca por el motivo de usar maquillaje. Sin embargo cuando la gente comenzó a salir y por tanto a empezar a usar el tapabocas muchos casos de dermatitis se agudizaron, presento la presidenta de la Sociedad de Dermatología de Uruguay. Entre alguna de las principales consecuencias se encuentran la dermatitis seborreica y el acné. La aparición de empujes de acné por mascarilla se hizo tan popular que en los países anglosajones se acuñó el término maskne, un acrónimo de mask y acné. Cabe mencionar que todas estas reacciones se deben al calor y la humedad que produce el tapabocas en la zona del alrededor de la boca. También puede ocasionar dermatitis de contacto y alergias por el rose y en función de la tela de la que esté hecho el tapabocas. Posibles soluciones La doctor

Chewing gum. Good or bad?

What happens every-time you chew bubble gum?  Chewing gum has always been incredibly iniquitous in society. But some of us have wonder either it is good or bad doing so. In this article we made a little research about good and bad side effects on our body.  Lets start by saying that chewing gum is a candy that's designed to be chewed but not swallowed. It's made by mixing a gum base with sweeteners and flavourings. Lessen depression  A study made in 2011 proved that chewing gum can reduce anxiety, depression, fatigue and oral mental illnesses in patients. Improve memory  When you chew gum, it increases blood flow to your brain. This has a lot of positive effects including improving your memory. In his research, professor Andrew Sholey discovered your short-term memory could be improved 35% by chewing a stick of gum. But be cautious, chewing on it for too long can decrease your short-term memory. Slim your waistline According to a study by the University of Liverpool, chewing gu