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Sleeping 8 Hours

 The importance of sleeping 

It would be no one surprise when I say that nobody can live without sleeping. But have you ever questioned yourself about how many hours should you sleep or about the consequences of not doing so. In this blog I'll answer most of those.

Lots of factors are involved when it comes to sleeping. I dare to say that the most important plus determinant factors are, energy drinks (coffee, sodas, beyond others), electronic devices, light, age, life style, nutrition, etc.

Moreover, most studies about how many hours we should sleep are related with age.

Kids between 6 and 13 years old should sleep from 9 to 11 hours.

Teenagers between 14 and 17 years old should sleep from 8.5 to 10h.

Younger adults between 18 and 25 should sleep from 7 to 9h.

Adults between 26 and 64 should sleep same rage as younger adults.

Elderly people further 65 years old should sleep from 7 to 8h.

Finally, now that we now the recommended hours of sleep, lets talk about the consequences of not doing so. And maybe you will think it twice before staying awake at night.

Gain weight 

According to a study made in 2015 by Qatar investigators, sleeping just a few hours increases our appetite and resistance to insulin.


It has been proved that people who usually do not sleep enough are more likely to fall ill. I'm not talking about one in specific but lots. From a simple headache to big stuff.


It had happened to of all us that when we didn't sleep well, the next day feels like we have been run over by a bus. This includes not being able to concentrate, workout and most of our daily activities.

Mental Health 

Poor sleeping is linked to a wide variety of physical, mental and behavioural disorders says Cramer.


  1. I totally agree! Sleeping enough hours is of the utmost importance. Other problems with being sleep deprived are poor concentration and high blood pressure. It is great that you are raising awareness of this very important issue!


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