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Be selfish

Be selfish 

What do I mean when I say so?
It had happened to everyone that someone calls you selfish for putting your self before them. If you've heard it don't worry most people call you selfish not because you are but because they are. Because they want to be above all, they do not realise that in fact the world doesn't revolve around them. 
Let me make myself clear I'm surely not saying do not think in anyone but yourself, what I 'm saying goes hand in hand with something that you usually hear in the airports. It says "Put the oxygen mask on yourself first, in order to help others". You need to know that there's nothing wrong with putting yourself first, actually it id what everyone should do. 
I've realise that people who first look after itself and then after others is 10 times more useful than people who is always worrying for pleasing everyone but itself. Believe me when I tell you that no matter how much you care about others, how much you help or worry about, it'll never be enough. You can never make everyone happy no matter how much you'd like to.
Nevertheless, what you can do is look after your happiness, mental, social and physical health, focus on what you like to do and what you don't. Love yourself and then share it with others. Help others to achieve their goals, push them to better stuff. 
Some one could differ and that's just fine, but I truly believe that it's way better to say no than say yes and not being able to keep your word. Learn to say no when you know you can't help other, and learn to do it when you say yes.
Also, learn to please yourself before pleasing others, do not make all your choices based on what others want, that would just lead you to be truly unhappy. If they truly love you, they want to see you happy.
Now that I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about. Be selfish, give yourself time when you need it. Do what's best for you. I couldn't be more true the quote "You won't be able to love anyone, if you do not love yourself first".

At the end of the day. How selfish can it be to be selfish in order to help others? 


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