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Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2021

Throw away

Throw away  What? Everything that does not fit you or improve yourself. We keep lots of things in our life that must be thrown in the trash from a long time ago. I don't mean material things but that would be a great example to begin with. Imagine a room where you keep all stuff from the past, things that in some way you have got, but most of them doesn't mean anything anymore but you keep keeping them even what's out of order. That room would be mostly useless because all that stuff that doesn't work anymore will only hide from you what still works, what still matters. I know that must look like a weird example but it's not, that's the way life works. If you amass, you won't be able to see what it's really working. This applies to everything, material stuff, activities, routines, ways of thinking, opinions, critics and also people.  Don't you think it will be just amazing to say that everything in our life perfectly works? I bet must of us seek for


 Being jealous  I must say that personally I believe is one of the worst feeling you can ever feel. Lets start by saying that the definition involves  feeling or showing an unhappy or angry desire to have what someone else has. It's something quite deeper than that. Why would you like what someone else posses? Easy, because you're not happy enough with what you do have. It's sad since we learn to appreciate what we have until we lose it.  We might believe that that neighbour with that fancy car can be happier than us just because his car is way better that ours, but we're wrong, we usually would claim. "He commit some fraud or anything". Why not instead? "Maybe he worked harder than me, I could start trying a little harder". See? It's all about attitude, about knowing that our car it's okay but it could be better if we try a little harder. A few months ago I read a book in which they say that in order for being successful we must learn to ble


 Money This article is about the role that money plays in our lives. Let's begin.  A lot money is believed to be bad. We have all these wrong beliefs about money. Money is nothing but a resource and if you allow me, I've heard those who say, money doesn't make you happy but the way I see it, they wrong.  When I say money does make you happy I don't mean the bills and coins itself. I say that it makes you happy because it allows you to do things that might bring happiness to you. It works as a tool to satisfy your basic needs and not only the basic ones but those that are not merely vital but likeable.  It even allows you to make others happy. Let me give you an example you really want to see an old friend but you don't have any money either for a car or for visiting. On the other hand if you have the resources, that's what money is, a resource. You'll be able to do what you desire and at the end of the day that will make you happy. While it's important t


  Time   Defined as the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. Time is not everything but almost. Time changes, people, situations. One day things may be someway and the next one everything is different. It would be no ones surprise if I tell you that we cannot control time. But no one would deny that we decide what to do with time, at least with ours. It would be impossible to control others time.  It's a big mistake trying to control others time. This leads me to remember that big quote. Time is nothing but a gift. It couldn't be more true. We may not have seen it yet but the more valuable someone can give us, is time. Let me clear myself not any kind of time but quality time. That time that you give or offer to someone not because you have to but because you love someone enough for giving it your time. From my point of view not everyone is worth of your time, and you must learn to differentiate who is and w

Not being good at something

 Not being good at something While it is true that lots of things are not made for everyone, it is also true that practise makes perfect. As I said, you may end up discovering that it was simply just not for you.  On the other hand you loose nothing trying, because there are those who born with talent inside of them but also those with the passion and determination to practise until they get it. Those who don't give up.  I'd like to talk about one coach that gave me one of the best pieces of advice in my life. I used to skate on ice and we were practising, I found out I was doing the exercise just wrong, so I asked my coach why he kept telling me I was doing it right when I was surely not. He answered me that even though I wasn't doing it right, he knew if he had told me I was doing it wrong, I would have been sad by consequence I would have stop doing it. Instead if he told me I was doing just fine, I won't lose excitement what would persuade me to keep trying. So I ma


  Disappointment   By definition it's sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations. But we could all claim that it's all about something stronger.  I have to clarify that disappointment is not caused by anyone but us, because we expect, not too much, not too little but just what we consider right or perfect for us. And that's not the way it is, neither the way it should be. It happens with everything in our lives. For example. Love, we would like others to love us the way we want to, but that's just impossible because what may look perfect in my head may not look the same way in his or her. It's all about knowing that nothing is perfect but everything is perfectible. We can't expect the one we love to act just the way we'd like to.  What we must learn is that disappointment will be just disable when we don't expect but came to understanding. Understanding that we'd never know exactly the reason of why people

It's all mental

 It's all in our head  I wouldn't lie if I told you that our mind is the most powerful part of our body. This is based on my way of thinking so it may be right or wrong but no one would deny the great power contained in our brain. Not only it controls our whole body but getting a little deeper, I've always believed that out thoughts bring things, either good or bad. Let me clear myself. If you're always thinking bad stuff would happen I could't explain why but it appears to happen. On the other hand, if we have good thoughts, we time to time attract good stuff. I've read some cases in which people heal of terminal diseases with stuff that no one can explain like laughing a lot. I've no doubts that we are what we think, what our mind is full is part of also what we have inside of us. It's kind of ironic because it may look like the people who care about nothing is the luckiest one but it doesn't work that way. It's not like not caring but learning


  People We're by nature social beings, that means it's not something we like or don't but something we need.  In this life you'll get to know lots of people, all of them different in every kind of way. Some will leave and other some may stay. But let's talk about the importance of this topic. I've realised that each and every person that comes into my life has a reason of doing so. They may stay forever, a while or ever just a day but that does't mean their not important. Even if sometimes I'd consider it bad the presence of some people in my life, even they come for a reason, a lesson maybe that I wouldn't have learned without them. We all have something bad inside of us, but also a bunch of wonderful things, and you get to know that wonderful in yourself sometimes thanks to others. Let me give you an example I'd always considered me, a selfish person in some kind of way because I'd always looked for myself fist than for others, but then I


  Give  Time, love, attention, friendship and why not? material stuff. Give. Not because you're supposed to or you have to but because you want, because of a desire from your heart to give. I recently realised that when you want to give something and at the end you just didn't, for any reason but most common one is thinking too much. The one for it to suffer is yourself, you're dismissing the opportunity of doing something your heart desires.  What does it matter? One of the biggest mistakes when it comes to give anything is wondering, what would the other think, if it could come back, what others would think.  Be intense, without worrying of frightening the other. They may thank, they may not. Appreciated or don't. Give it back or don't. But that doesn't really matter. I can assure you, if you give, you'll be reminded. From the way I see it, when you give all of you, you don't care how it ends, you just know there was nothing else for you to do, because


 Did you know crying has its benefits?  While lots of people consider it as a sign of weakness, crying could be just the medical recipe you need to deal with hard emotions and find a way out.  We've been taught that there're feelings such as anger or sadness that we're supposed to hide. As children we grow older and enter adulthood and gradually learn to regulate them and even to repress or ignore.  However, we don't hold emotions just inside our heads but we also store them in our bodies. Sideroff claimed. These feelings contain energy, you have to contain yourself in different ways to retain them. That infers with natural and instinctual processes, as well as creating imbalances since the body's need remains inside. Humans are the only animals that cry in adulthood and have emotional tears, which can have more complex social functions to gain support and comfort from others or to have communicative or social bonding functions, explained Lauren. Bylsma, an assistan

Do more

 Do more  Have you ever looked at someone and wonder how can they be so successful? Well, let me tell you that success people can look pretty calm and relaxed but they weren't that way when it all started.  I recently read a book called the business gold rules, in it I want to emphasise in the point where they say successful people did more than others. What do i mean by that? It can sound weird but in order to be successful you should do ten times more what others do, I know, crazy right?  Ten times more o what? Everything, of course this is in figurative sense because you're not eating ten times or taking a shower ten times just to do more that others. What this means is that you must work harder, do better, improve, for others not to overpass you. There are 7.674 miles of millions of people on earth. If you want to stand out, you cannot just be another one from the pile, at least that's not what success people act like.  Remember everyone can get easy stuff but good stuf

Daily routine

  Daily routine  No matter how messy your life is, we all have a routine, as I said maybe it's not too strict but we do. We would think that is what is our life made for. But eventually it's also one of the main reasons of why people get tired of life sometimes. I'd dare to say than more that having one, we live in it. By nature, humans are made for constant change, not allowing that, causes lack of emotions which is also part of us. Emotions remember us how human we are and most importantly that we're alive. Any kind of emotion because every one of them are equally important.  Routine is not wrong, but being afraid to change, to do something different is. Because lots of people claim life is boring. They're wrong life isn't boring, no ones life is, we say so because we are use to do the same things everyday and as I was saying being humans require change. Change is nothing but good, good enough to remember us that there are always gonna be new things to try, ne


Fall in love   If we search it in the dictionary, you'll find it defined as an intense feeling of deep affection. I'd like to clarify that this article is made based on my way of thinking, knowing that some could consider it right or wrong. While it is true the definition is also true that it's way deeper than that.  I'd consider love as a complicated feeling. Why? Because it goes against all rules and beliefs. If I would have known that I would be in love sometime, my inner child would have laugh and called me a fool. But it's nothing but true when people say love gets all of us at least once. And yeah it gets out the best and the worst of us. And by saying the best and the worst.  I mean that on the one hand it can truly change yourself in the good way, on the other hand it can also destroy you from the very bottom.  The way I see it, being in love for someone makes you be more stupid than you'd ever imagine. The funny thing is that in others head it may look

Dolor de cabeza

 Principales causas del dolor de cabeza  La mayoría de las personas sienten dolor de cabeza de vez en cuando. No obstante, si sientes dolor de cabeza casi todos los días, es posible que tengas dolor de cabeza crónico diario. En vez de un tipo específico de dolor de cabeza, los dolores de cabeza crónicos diarios comprenden una variedad de subtipos de dolor de cabeza. «Crónico» se refiere a la frecuencia con la que ocurren los dolores de cabeza y el tiempo que dura la afección. La naturaleza constante del dolor de cabeza crónico diario hace que sea uno de los dolores de cabeza más incapacitantes. El tratamiento inicial agresivo y un control constante a largo plazo podrían disminuir el dolor y hacer que padezcas menos dolores de cabeza. Causas Las causas de muchos dolores de cabeza crónicos diarios no se entienden bien. El dolor de cabeza crónico diario verdadero (primario) no tiene una causa de fondo detectable. Algunas afecciones que podrían causar el dolor de cabeza crónico diario no p


 Have you ever felt ashamed?  It happens to of of us, you won't be the only one. Embarrassment of lots of things. Actions, people, things, an endless list, but the funny thing is that usually we don't feel embarrassment about what happened, we feel ashamed because of the people that watched or listen. Some would even consider it funny if no one would have been there to witness.  Why is that? Simple, because we care too much about what others think, we care too much about what others consider right and wrong, letting our own judgment in second place. The worst thing, it becomes an issue when it starts stopping us from doing thing we consider funny or like just because we don't know want others to judge. But we all have met someone who's never ashamed of anything, notice that they look happier, people criticise them but they seem not to care. I'll dare to say that is not like not caring, it's just that they know people judge based on lots of stuff like fad, belief


  Patience  I'm pretty sure you have lost it at least once but most of us are used to lost it several times during the day. It's normal, I mean at the end of the day we're humans and there're always gonna be stuff we like and don't about things. No one has an endless patience that's for sure, even the holiest ones get tired sometimes. It can be frustrating when you try to repress it, so don't. What you must learn is to know when it's worth it or necessary and when it's not. An uncle told me there're gonna be some battles that you must learn to lose, and other some you don't even have to fight.  So here is the key, choose, learn to choose which ones. Maybe for some of them there are other ways, look for them before just reacting and yeah maybe for others there's only one choice or one possible solution.  I must clear one point here, acting and reacting are clearly not the same thing. On one hand reacting is impulsive, letting yourself cons

Vacuna Moderna

Todo sobre la Vacuna contra COVID-19 de Moderna  La vacuna contra la COVID‑19 de Moderna utiliza ARNm para proporcionar un patrón para que sus células construyan la defensa del organismo contra el SARS‑CoV‑2, el virus que causa la COVID‑19. La vacuna contra la COVID‑19 de Moderna no contiene SARS‑CoV‑2 ni ningún virus, solo el patrón para ayudar a luchar contra él. Es posible que la vacuna contra la COVID‑19 de Moderna no proteja a todas las personas. ¿Qué tomar en cuenta? Informe a su proveedor de vacunación sobre todas las afecciones médicas que tenga, lo cual incluye si usted:  Tiene alguna alergia. Ha tenido miocarditis (inflamación del músculo del corazón) o pericarditis (inflamación del revestimiento exterior del corazón). Tiene fiebre. Tiene un trastorno hemorrágico o está en tratamiento con un anticoagulante. Está inmunodeprimido o está en tratamiento con un medicamento que afecta al sistema inmunitario. Está embarazada  Ha recibido otra vacuna contra la COVID‑19. ¿Quién  no  d