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Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2022


 Strength  This world, full of challenges, issues, people trying to get you down, but yeah, amid all the crap there are few things really worth holding on to.  I can say that in this world, you'll get to know people who's nor happy enough with its own life so they go through life trying to sabotage others, in any kind of way, hurting the ones you love, your passion, ideals, way of thinking.  Remember that the ones who truly love you will for sure give you a piece of advice time to time when they feel like you need it, but they'd never try you to do its will over your life, good relationships start with respect when there's no respect, there's no love.  In order to get through this challenges you need to be physically, mentally and emotionally strong, you need to know your worth and steady where you are standing on the ground. Strong enough to know that no matter how bad things are, time heals all wounds and faith that one day the world rights it's self again.  T

Can't get

Can't get   It's no ones surprise if I tell you that usually what we want the most is what we can't get. It had happen to all of us, that you feel like you got everything you need and suddenly something you want, you can't get, what happens is that you get so obsessed with it that you forget about what really matters.  You fool yourself and costume it as love or even need but is nothing but whim.  Why does this happen? Searching for answers was particularly difficult to me because I was blinded by whim, when it ended, I was finally able to find the reason why I was so obsessed. We usually get obsessed with things we don't posses, lack in our lives of all kinds and when we find something like that or similar we do everything in our hands to get it, but maybe it's not the time for us to get it, maybe it's waiting for us in the future or maybe we don't even need it and that's why we don't get it. We get obsessed because we're not happy enough wi


  Panic   We all react differently to pressure, pain, fear, beyond others. While some are use to run away from those feelings, those who avoid them to all costs, there are others who look mostly for an answer to solve. Panic, anger, and sadness make us vulnerable, have you heard once > he or she didn't meant that, it was anger? Well it's true, all those feelings besides making us vulnerable, make us impulsive, we say things we didn't mean and act in some way we would never in our normal state.  The thing that most people don't take into account is that everyone around us are not to blame for not understanding what's going on inside our heads, leave alone our lives. We are selfish enough to believe others should understand us when we barely know if they are going through a hard times as well, maybe even worse that ours. I'm not saying that you should hide your feelings, not at all but get to know yourself so you can control your temper. Panic, all kinds, panic

Get rid of

 Get rid of We are keen on keeping things in our lives, material and non material stuff, stuff that doesn't work anymore or some other that could be replace for something better. My mom usually says, if you don't get rid of the old stuff, the new will never come in. True.  Cumulating non working stuff prevent us from seeing what really matters, it's kind of difficult to reach a point where you know you no longer what that stuff in your life, and this is the point where I make myself clear, it is not easy to get rid of people in our lives and when I say get rid, I don't mean like avoid them to all cost but to get away. Get away from family or people that we used to call friends because they no longer work for us and further that help us each other it becomes a load to heavy to carry.  The way I see it, life is already hard enough to make it even more surrounding ourselves with people that instead of giving us peace, they give wars. There's no need, you know? I mean t


  Fullness   One day you wake up and realise that you wouldn't change a thing, you realise that the journey was indeed hard but that you made it through and you are strong enough to survive what ever comes.  You realise that you weren't missing people or stuff, you were missing yourself. One day you find yourself dancing again, laughing like crazy, happy you know? 'Cause yeah life can hurt so bad once a while but I can assure that not pain nor sadness last forever. It had happen to all of us, feeling like dying even when we are literally don't, loosing peace and hope but I'll dare to say that in order to get fullness you first get to know lack, lack of joy, hope, peace beyond others. Nevertheless one day everything what was snatched from you comes back, at times not in the same way. Let me give you an example, someone you love so much leaves, of course at first it'll hurt but eventually you'll realise that it left for reason and that empty hole in you will b

The drop that spilled the glass

 The drop that spilled the glass  We fight, we fight so hard for achieve or get want we want and desire but sometimes no matter how hard we fight, we won't get it, just because call it life or destiny but that is just not meant for you. The thing is that the road until we finally get that we shouldn't keep trying is the hardest time. We fall and get up over and over again, ignoring everyone around trying to tell us that it's enough. I guess only deep inside of us something tell you when you're done trying.  They say we don't kick the habit till you hit rock bottom. Till one day you wake up with a new propose, willing to let go of whatever you were chasing. Trying and not giving up is okay but we all know when to stop and the more you try to convince yourself to keep trying the more you keep hurting yourself.  I read that when you have to run after something, it means it doesn't want be caught. Now, I get it and even though I don't regret anything about my pa


  Someone We all need someone, company and talks. We all need someone to step in our life and let us know that everything it's all right, someone who doesn't let us down. I'll call it a safe place, where you know you'd always run whenever things are wrong, and nothing makes sense. Not everyone can be your safe place, because unfortunately people usually let us down, but everyone has a someone, someone you know no matter what happen he or she won't slip away. Some one who stays in hell and heaven. I know it's hard to find someone like that, and if you already did, take care of them, the world is not full of them.  Those are the ones who take you back to life when you feel like drowning, I believe we all need one in our life, being alone and waiting to figure out everything on your own it's okay. But we all need company and advice at least once a while. I thank everyday for having found someone like that, and know that as everyday goes, she keeps reminding me


  Secrets   We all have, all kind, big and small ones, secrets are secret for some reason most of the time avoiding hurting others, shame, guilt beyond others. The thing about secrets is that there's always a small chance for everything to come to light, and when it does, not always ends up well. I mean secrets are fine, as long as you know what you should and shouldn't keep from others, there are some secrets that the longer you keep them, the more you hurt others.  Your own secrets the ones that doesn't involve anyone but you, those are value, let me tell you why, because there are some stuff that you don't tell and probably shouldn't, at least not to anyone but just those few who you trust with your life, not everyone gets to know the deepest part of you because not everyone deserves it, there's nothing interest in something that it is already completely known, that is what makes us all special that we don't know everything about others, at times not even