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Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2021

Try to be the best

 Trying to be the best  It has happened to all of us, we've been taught that we must be the best. But have quite a misunderstood definition of best. Best? Better than who, than what?  It's true that we all should look forward the best version in everything, let me explain myself. If you got to choose between an ugly house and a pretty one, I'm quite sure you would choose the pretty one.  Most of us want the best but it is true that sometimes the best things take more time, money, effort that the normal ones, the one which doesn't stand out from everything else.  This lead me to mention that it's the same thing when it comes to us, our person itself, it's hard to become better, not better than anyone but a better you, better than you were yesterday, it's about achieving the best version, when you know you cannot improve, I mean there will always be improvements but must keep your nose to the grindstone. In whatever you do during the day, try to do it the best


 Why travel? The ones who have had the opportunity of traveling would know that it is a gift, a big one, I've know very few people who consider it as a waste of money, maybe due to bad experiences or even traveling with the wrong people. Travel is one of the things that opens your mind, it shows you that there's more, there's always more, more ways of thinking, ideas, beliefs, places, people, etc. I once heard that you don't want what you don't know, I would totally disagree, I mean the world is huge, no one even get to know it entirely but you try to cover as much as possible, you try to discover the more you can.  I can say that having had the privilege of traveling since I was a child, it has become a need, need to know, discover, change. Left the routine behind and for a short time just be happy and enjoy life, without the everyday responsibilities. Time to try new things you never imagine yourself capable of. I mentioned it opens your mind, it does because you

Attraction law

 What you think you attract  Maybe there are no scientific proofs that when you think a lot in something, it eventually comes to you, but it is true that bad thoughts help no one though. I strongly believe that you are what you say, think and the way you act. Moreover, it is true and it has happen to all of us, wonder if there would be anything we could do in order to attract something we want or someone. The thing is, universe works in mysterious ways, it may work once or it may not, but it is also true that you lose nothing trying. As I was saying, imagine if for all one day long you try to avoid bad thoughts at all cost. If you wake up and visualise all your day, all that good stuff that you would want to happen. I'm not saying it's magic or something but convincing yourself that it's gonna be a good that and that good stuff will happen, it would predispose you to attract good things. On the other hand, waking up knowing that the day will suck or so, it will only predisp

To miss

  Have you ever missed something? I bet you have, we all do, constantly and in all stages of our life. It is a constant reminder that most things don't last forever.  Missing hurts, most of the time but it is also good because if everything just stayed always the same, life would be pointless. We are constantly missing, missing someone, someone to be the one they used to be, things, things we used to get. But we will always miss something given that life is in constant change, and it changes so fast. We wake up everyday being someone different than we were the day before and that's how it's supposed to be. As I said you cannot expect life to remain just the same, times changes, people change as well. We all know that somethings change for the best and some others for worse.  Missing takes us to do stupid things to recover what we loose. Moreover sometimes we need to learn to lose in order to win. What do I mean by that? You're gonna lose friends, and you'll probably


  Promises   We make promises, all the time, the thing is that sometimes we promise even when we are not quite sure we're gonna stick to it, even when we don't know if we'll be able to accomplish them. Promises don't mean same thing for everyone, as I was saying there's always those who go through life promising stuff that they never do and it mean nothing for them. Moreover there's also those who no matter what happens they do what they say, they promise something and they stick to it. The way I see it promising it's easy, it's trouble free to promise, kind of the big deal is doing it. That's why there's this big quote that says one action mean more than hundred words. It applies to everything, anyone can tell you they love you but not anyone will prove it with actions. There's always those who say they're always gonna stay by your side, but only when you're in trouble, you get to know who is really loyal to you. Wrong or right but p


  Replaceable   Lately, most people believe that everything is replaceable, it's normal, I mean, given that we live in a world where you just throw something way and buy a new one and it makes no difference.  Moreover, there's some stuff, not a lot though, but some that cannot be replaced , you cannot buy a new one, because there's no new one, that, no matter how much you search for it, it has no equal. As I said not a lot of stuff, most of material stuff can be replaced for a newer, prettier, better one.  A person, you cannot replace a person, that would be just impossible because even twins are different. The point I want to reach is that whenever we try to replace someone, we suffer more than if we try to heal it by itself. I would want to put forward an example, I fell in love once and when he left, I tried to search him in every person that came into my life, I tried so hard for forget about him, trying to get that thing only he made me feel in others. Did you wanna kn


  Craziness   Being crazy is a privilege, I mean, why being normal? You can be craziest and still the the person with the most common sense. By definition craziness means wild, mad, or erratic behaviour. We're not talking of the mental disease but the awareness of being just the way we are without hiding it.  Moreover, people call crazy those who are not afraid of dying, acting, doing. But isn't it even crazier to be afraid all the time? To be worried all the time? That's crazy. Living your life as if there was no tomorrow is crazy but still the best choice to make.  Lots would claim that the opposite of craziness is normal. What's cool about normal? Anyone can be normal but not anyone can be crazy. Craziness is not for everyone, just for the bravest ones, the ones who care very little about what others could think and focus most of their attention in their own likes and wishes.  I once heard a quote that said - he loves me and all of my craziness. I can assure you that


  Human   We are just that, humans, particles living in an huge universe. We usually believe that our actions have an enormous impact in it, but unless you invent something either to kill or save all humanity or change their reality, you are just that, a human.  I not saying we mean nothing, what I'm trying to explain is that, no one cares. Yes, read it again, no one cares if you made a mistake today, no one cares if all you did today was nothing, no one is really counting how many times you fall and get up.  We are constantly worrying so much about everything, as if one bad decision taken could really matter. It does but not in the dimension we think. It's funny how little our actions matter in universe terms. How much freedom do we have to make our own choices without actually regretting it later because as I was saying, they do not really matter, they matter because they make us either happy or sad. Also, they make changes in our lives but that's it. As humans we make mi


  Family   Complicated? Yes, most of the times but family at the end of the day. I would consider right when some people call family to people of different blood. By definition family means a group of people who are related to each other. The key word here is related, it's not quite clear. Related how?  That's the point you can be related to people not only by blood but by love or affection. Family has a deeper meaning than the one given, the way I see it, family are those to count on, those who are there for you no matter what, those who love you not for what you have got, but for who you truly are, those who often forgive your mistakes and accept you without trying to change a thing because they see further than it can be seen. Family is support, peace, love but family is also discussing, disagreeing, for the simple reason that no matter how much you love and appreciate some one, we all think in different ways.  The important thing is, that love being bigger than any discussi


  Hope   We all have hope, all the time. From the beginning of the day until it ends. We start hoping that it will be a great day, and if it's not, we hope that tomorrow will be better than today.  We hope that the person we love, love us back. We hope that our friends remain with us. We hope that we have money, work, health. And why do I say we hope? For the reason that we cannot assure any of those things, none of them are granted, you can have them today and tomorrow they may be over. But hope, hope it's all right because I'll even dare to say that it is what keep us happy, alive. As I've grown up I've realised that hope helps, to get up in the morning, but it can be a double edged weapon. It's okay to hope that everything will be all right, as long as you're aware of appreciating what you already have got. Hope can sometimes be a driving force for life, because it's what keeps you going, imagine if you had a bad day today and you're sure that tom