The message behind Soul This unlike any movie had an enormous impact in the way I perceive life and its purpose, I could say that anyone of those who watch it could feel related with this. This opinion article contains spoilers so if you haven't watched the movie. First, go ahead and do so and then come back to read. Let's start. What's the plot of the movie? It starts introducing Joe, a music teacher that we can clearly feel how unhappy he is when it comes to dealing with his daily life. He has always wanted to be a famous musician, playing the piano with a band has always been his dream. It all begins when an old student call him to ask if he could go to an audition with the band he dreamed about, of course he takes the chance and got the role. The director asks him to return that night to prove his talent with a concert. It is exactly in that moment that he feels his life becomes meaningful. When he is on his way home after de audition, he falls into a street strainer an...