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Soul Movie

The message behind Soul

This unlike any movie had an enormous impact in the way I perceive life and its purpose, I could say that anyone of those who watch it could feel related with this. This opinion article contains spoilers so if you haven't watched the movie. First, go ahead and do so and then come back to read.

Let's start. What's the plot of the movie?

It starts introducing Joe, a music teacher that we can clearly feel how unhappy he is when it comes to dealing with his daily life. He has always wanted to be a famous musician, playing the piano with a band has always been his dream. It all begins when an old student call him to ask if he could go to an audition with the band he dreamed about, of course he takes the chance and got the role. The director asks him to return that night to prove his talent with a concert. It is exactly in that moment that he feels his life becomes meaningful. When he is on his way home after de audition, he falls into a street strainer and partially dies. He arrives to a place where souls go when the body dies, but he refuses to die so he runs away and arrived a place called The Great Beyond, where newly born souls acquire personality and their spark. 

It has always been said that we all have a purpose in life, our spark. You know? All kind of things like football or being a doctor or a chef, a dancer, anything you could imagine, but...

What's our real purpose?  What does this movie teach us?
There's a scene in the movie when 22 tells Joe that maybe walking, skywatcher, eating or breathing could be her spark but Joe tell her, "those aren't proposes but just regular old living". He was so WRONG. She was trying to make him understand the real meaning but he couldn't get it.  
When 22 got the spark Joe uses it to go back to earth, he goes to the concert and just killed it, he played amazing but when he's done he asks: "Is that it? Was that the thing that I have been waiting for all my life?"
And the director answers "That's it, everyday and every night. What did you expected?"
In that exact moment is when Joe realises that wasn't his main purpose. Yeah! I mean it was his spark but undoubtedly not his purpose, they don't assign purposes, a spark isn't a soul's purpose, it is nothing but just another life's meaning basic idea that we have believed for years that's not true, never was. 
But we refuse to believe that our life doesn't need to have a talent or a spark to be happy, most importantly to make sense, to have a purpose.
We become blind to appreciate small things that we all got in our day to day, we do not need to do something special everyday to be meaningful, because our life itself it's already special and meaningful. 
Learning to appreciate everything, the god and the bad, the big and small things, all alike is the secret of happiness.
So yeah it may look stupid but maybe watching the sky, breathing, eating, walking, seeing your mom, dad, a friend, cutting your hair, going to the movies, I mean ANYTHING may be your purpose and it's perfectly beautiful. 

When do we start losing our selves?
What's the meaning of being in the zone in the movie? 
Well, being in the zone means you reaching your high, getting into a flow, when you are really into something and it fells like if you were in another place,  you are in your "zone", it is the space between the physical and the spiritual. 

Knowing this lets into business.

Another scene when Joe learns what a lost soul is. The guy explain to him: 
"Some people just can't let go of their own anxieties and obsessions, leaving them lost and disconnected from life" 
"Lost souls are not that different from those in the zone. The zone is enjoyable, but when that joy becomes an obsession, one becomes disconnected from life"

Give me the chance to clarify this, you could be the happiest person, doing what you love the most, you are in your zone right? But if you start obsessing with it, with something that you can't achieve, that doesn't go the way you'd like to or simply just obsessing with doing more. 
More is a term with a big grey area, because if you concentrate your life in doing more it would be never enough, you would always want more and never reach a satisfactory point. The least I mean is that it is okay to be conformist but what I mean is that this term is endless, and all extremes good or bad ones, take you to the wrong place, the place where you lose your self focusing each and every part of you in just one thing, forgetting about all the other things, most of times of the ones that really matter. And when you become aware of this you ask this question: 
What am I doing with my life? And you realise you are alive, you had forgot about this because you were to busy obsessing yourself with something that if you have worked hard on it but it is not enough, it's because it's not the time and believe me if it's for you it'll come to you eventually. This phrase isn't in the movie but I'd like to share it with you cause it just fits here. "If you have to run after something it means it doesn't want to be caught". 
So make life your goal and surely something's got to come to you.

It's essential that what you just read can make you reflect and enforce it to your life. Otherwise it was just another article and a waste of time. 

We all have our time counted, go ahead and do whatever makes you happy. Remember it doesn't have to be something big. It doesn't need to fulfil no-ones expectations but yours. It doesn't have to make sense to everyone but you. And it just have to make you happy. Enjoy every breath, meal, talk, trip. Thank every and each thing in your life. 
"Live every minute of it" 


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