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Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2022

Everyone and its opinion

 Everyone and its own judgement  It is true, we are nothing but critics when it comes to others life, it's easy you know? judging and giving our opinion even when it has not been asked. How can we? I mean how could anyone judge another when no one and I can assure, no one is perfect. Even worse sometimes we judge when we also made those mistakes and thanks to them, we learned. I read one quote once, you can not judge past mistakes with actual consciousness. Mistakes is what makes us. Not how we make mistakes but how we repair what we broke.  The thing here is that we have no right to give our opinion about others when it's not asked. Besides, we have to learn not care because it's kind of inevitable, people talk, they always do, no matter if you succeed or fail, you can not, and remember this, you won't ever be able to make everyone happy but yourself. Be happy about your choices, decisions, mistakes and actions at the end of the day if you try to please everyone, you&#


  Answers   I can assure you, there's no one in this universe who has all the answers, let alone the solutions.  Too little do we know about everything, about why people act the way they do, why things happen the way they do. We often guess or assume, but certainly we don't know. I've said before that sometimes not knowing it's okay. Moreover, no one would deny that needing a solution and being unable to get it, can be a pain in the ass sometimes. One thing I do know is that things always happen for some reason, even when we are not wise enough to see it. Besides, answers always arrive on time, that does not mean that they'll arrive when you want them to but when they're supposed to. As humans we learn, everyday, once a while we don't even notice but we do, all the time. I believe that is the main reason of why we don't know everything, the reason why we have neither the solution to all our troubles nor the answers to all our questions. To learn, to be p

Too personal

Too personal  All the time people do and say lots of things before thinking it twice, most of the times they don't stop to think if they could hurt someones feelings besides a bad impact in others lives. Imagine living everyday waiting for people to tell us what we expect to hear, putting all our happiness on others hands, what an insane thing to do and I'm pretty sure, we could never be completely happy that way, our joy always under others actions. Being sentimental, that's perfectly fine but I've know people who can get so influenced by others attitude with them, leaving them crying in bed. I mean I don't judge but it's anything but okay to allow others to have so much power on us that way. It's like you ruin your whole day just because someone told you a bad comment or act in some way and disappointed you. Don't make such a big deal out of nothing, if they don't care, why should you? The great secret for disappointment and great days from this bl

Where you both lose and win everything

Where you both win and lose everything Several times I have wonder, why we hold on so tight to those who let us go so easily, why giving everything for someone who gives nothing, I guess the answer is very simple after all, love. That would be the only point where you give everything and expect nothing in return.  Unfortunately, and I say unfortunately because what I'll say next can  end hurting us so bad, but that is just the way it works. In love there is no pride and if they have acts of pride there's no love, the pride derived from egocentrism is the first thing lost when you love someone.  Losing pride can sound like losing dignity or something but it is quite different, losing pride means you vs your ego, fighting to know if you should or shouldn't do something, about caring or not. The topic of this blog is quite clear and everyone who has been in love can clearly agree with me. W hen you fall for someone you win, in uncountable ways, a partner, friend, a reason, but

You can not deny it

 You can feel it  We feel, it's part of being human beings, but when I say feel I don't mean how you feel when you get punch and it hurts, I mean that we feel, we have instincts in our lives that usually tell us if we should continue, stop, run away, get closer. We wrongly ignore them sometimes. Let me explain my self. We feel, we know when we're doing the right things, when we are with the right people, people is an interest topic when it comes to feel because we do feel people, this part is difficult to explain but I can assure you that we may not distinguish if people loves us or not but we do can feel we they are bad for us, we can feel it or even know by very little actions and we do notice but as I said, what fools are we deciding to ignore. We feel if we are in the right place, no one would deny that whenever you are somewhere, there will be places where you feel like home and other some where you feel totally out of place even when a bad feeling invades you that you

Who knows

We never know   We wake up, get up, but I can assure you that you may have your day already planned but if one thing is true is that no plan goes exactly the way is planned, we get up but we actually have no idea what's going to happen, from the moment we put a foot down off the bed to the moment when the day is already over at night. It can end up being a great day or maybe the worse in your life but the thing is that you never know, no one does, that's when hope comes into our life hoping for it to be a good day. Nevertheless, a day can be good most of the times it's on us, the power to turn the day into what we want, also not denning that life can be tricky and if that's not gonna be your day sometimes you can't even help it. My point is that, sometimes we try so hard to know, to know the weather, people, places, activities, beyond others KNOW, let me tell you that not knowing is all right too, I mean what will be the point in living a life in which you already k


  Pressure   Pressured from everything and everyone, because all around you expect something from you, they expect either the best or the worse.  It is impossible to mention all the humongous expectations but they expect you to be intelligent, kind, patient, a good student, worker, son or daughter, friend, besides others. This leads to pressure, you would like to make everyone you care about happy but let me tell you that is just insane, no matter how much you try you won't fulfil others expectations, let me explain myself, as you continue trying to achieve all requests, they'll continue to grow and in the end, sad but true, it will never be enough.  Most of the pressure is due to avoiding disappointment to you and others. However, have you ever wondered what you really what to do, who do you really want to be, no taking into account any other opinion than yours?  Pressure is everywhere you look, the way you dress, look, talk, walk, music you listen, etc. Unfortunately this pre

Soul doesn't shine with anyone

 Not everyone is for us We are not made for everyone as well as not everyone is made for us, you can fall in love with the most attractive person but believe me no matter how attractive they are, the soul doesn't always match. Imagine, we all are different, in terms of personality, likes, dislikes, defects, qualities, gifts, beyond others. What this means is that we should find someone who match our vibe, not a person who likes or not the same things we do but someone who vibe like us, who complement us, someone to put all our stuff together. On the other hand, I strongly believe that when there's real care and love in between, everything falls into place, because both sides will be willing to try to match, the thing is that sometimes you don't even have to try, sometimes you find someone who is actually everything you need more than everything you want, most of the times not even looking forward it. No one would deny, having this wrong idea about finding someone exactly li

New beginnings

Start Over   It hasn't been proved that we reincarnate or something similar, even so our life is full with new beginnings. I guess that is what life is about, you know? To fall dawn and get up to try again, to rebuilt something from the ashes or just start over. Something made just for the bravest ones, those willing to let go off the old stuff in order to improve, those with enough courage to try one time, but mainly those with enough determination to never give up. Good news is life is humongous, there's always chances to start over. New people, I've talk about this before, while it is true that people is not disposable, it is also true that sometimes you gotta stop trying with someone who you already gave too much chances and consider that there's a hundred people waiting for you to gave them the chance and who knows, maybe you find yourself surprise about how much different people is out there. New places, I'm aware that you should do your best where you are and