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Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2021

New year's wish list

 New year's wish list  Starting the year with good stuff is crucial, it is like a race, if you have a bad start, you can recover but it will take double effort. 1. Travel alone  2. Meditate everyday  3. Keeping into shape  4. Spend time with my friends and family  5. Rock it out on university  6. Learning German  7. Certificate in English  8. Become a better person  9. Read a book per month  10. Eating a little bit healthier  11. Surround myself with good people  12. Being more grateful  13. Learn at least one new thing per day 14. Take a photography lesson  15. Return skating  16. Travel to London  17. New phone  18. Forgive myself  19. Appreciate my life  20. Try to worry the least I can  21. Keep writing  22. Become a better sis  23. Dress better 24. No pride before love  25. Being above anything or anyone  26. Being more honest  27. Try to be happy everyday 28. Discover new music  29. Not losing me again 29 refers to 299 focuses, the name of this blog which has showed me how mu

No plan

 What do you wanna become? They asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, our answers were things like astronaut, president. When we were ten they asked again, we answer rockstar, cowboy, a gold medalist. But when we have grown up they want a serious answer. What about "who the hells know".  When you are young it is not the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes, take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere, fall in love, change your mind and change it again because nothing is permanent. So, make as many mistakes as you can that way someday when they ask what we wanna be we won't have to guess, we'll know. That's the only way of founding out, what's gonna makes us happy to become, trying and trying over and over again, without taking care if have already tried a lot. A the end of the day, that's what life is about, not about becoming something specifically but finding out what makes us happy. It is no time to plan but

Truth is

 Truth is  I know now that this is how it works, you don't get to keep everyone in your life forever. And there's some people that are just meant to be a sunrise for you, a light to pull you out of the darkness. There are friends, lovers, relationships that are seasonal.  No matter how deep of a conversation you had with that person at 2 am, no matter how much you shared your hearth, even if can still draw the lines of their smile, like the map of the too familiar road in the back of your mind.  There almost always comes a time to move on, a time to let go. And regardless of the letting go, let him know that he will always gonna feel a little bit like home to me, no matter how temporary, it is still beautiful that I've got to call so many hearts my home.  Because no matter how familiar you get, it comes a time when my peace is worth even more than your chaos do, the time when I choose, I choose me before everyone and anything else, I choose to be okay, happy and in peace. T

In the right eyes

 In the right eyes  Once I heard, feel as someone who loves you describe yourself. Let me clear myself, of course you're not gonna be perfect in everyones eyes, that's just impossible. Definitely you shouldn't bother trying. Of course you won't look the same way in your mom eyes that in the ones of the boy you like, who doesn't even bother to look at you. Luckily the word is bigger than we could imagine and eventually you find people who looks at you with the right eyes, who find beauty in your mistakes besides loving you for who you truly are. Until you meet the right eyes, you'll probably go through many wrong ones on the way, but that's exactly how you'll realise to contradistinguish both of them.  Do not bother trying to fulfil others expectations because to right people you wont even have to try. To the wrong ones, no matter how much you try, it will never be enough, because they'll always focus on the bad stuff, that's what we all usually d

Why not?

 Why not? Don't get me wrong, it is not like you'll live a fearless life day and night. But I have found out that the happiest people are constantly using this quote. Even when learning to say no plays a main role, it can become our worse enemy if it's a constant excuse to our fears. Why not? The question is quite clear it self, you won't analyse why you should do it but why you shouldn't. If there is really so much to lose by trying.  I can assure you that most of the time you have deny something was not due to be prejudicial for you but because you were afraid or you didn't feel like doing it. Moreover have you consider the possibility that would be the last chance to do it, would you regret it?  The thing of life is living with no regrets, regretting is, if not the worse one of the worse feelings ever. As you had the chance to do something and you no longer do, like if someone took something away from you that could have been yours. For that exact reason, why


 Obsessions and Addictions  These days those two words seem so common, we have got familiar with them. It is anything but a surprise finding someone with any king of addiction or obsession. Let's talk about why. Why would someone become addicted to something? Truth is, most of the time they are thought to be a way out. Out of problems, worries and everyday issues.  A drink, a cigarette. Even obsessions like losing weight, eating disorders, addiction to exercise are just some of them. Let's talk about what specialists say. As incredible as it seem, yes, it can be genetic, according to this research, it has been found that 50% of alcohol addictions is due to genetic vulnerability. On the other hand there are a bunch of other factors that are also part of these issues like environmental factors, referring to the conditions in which the subject develops, personality can play a fundamental roll specially in subjects looking forward for new feelings or impulsiveness also if they tend


  Youth   Craziness, nonsense, lack of experience, bad decisions, impulsive, insurgent, chaotic. Unfortunately, I could assure you those few words are the very fist crossing adults minds when they hear youth. I said unfortunately because it is quite ironic misjudging a stage of life which every adult have gone through. Those words previously mentioned are not even half of what being young means. Yeah, I include myself when I say we are chaotic, nonsense due to lack of experience in life, but it is also true that we are fearless, happy, full of hope and amusement. Comparing our self with an adult will be pointless. Eventually we will become one, but while it happens, we should do anything bur worry about those things.  I've heard how people talk with nothing but disappointment about new generations, mentioning lack of values, beyond others. It is true that we all could improve, but nothing is black and white. It would be so easy to mention only mistakes, forgetting victories. These


  Decisions   Life is all about taking decisions, all the time, from small ones to the ones willing to change our entire life.  Free will is such and enormous topic, because we never stop choosing, we choose kindness before evilness, we decide if we do something or just do not. We decide doing things today rather than tomorrow or vice-versa. We decide the people we want to stay in our lives. And yeah, we decide to live before die. When I mention deciding living before dying what I mean is that we could put an end to out life any moment. Nevertheless, we choose to live, most, until destiny or life says enough, meaning, until we die by natural causes.  Once I heard, we are the choices we make but I am not quite sure about it, I believe that whenever we take a decision, we do it based on what we consider right, for us or any other. We choose quickly due to impulses and sometimes we sleep on it. My point is every choice made has a consequence, good or bad based on the decision took.  We ha


  Dancing   Defined as to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, especially to the accompaniment of music, as from excitement or emotion. In this blog I'll call it a hobby because that's the way I consider it myself.  This action of moving your body is natural in every human being on earth, never mind those who claim they don't know how to dance. The thing is that they have been thought to believe that dancing it's made to be for professionals when actually it's inside of all of us . Even when I totally agree the fact that not everything id for everyone. A friend once gave me his point of view about dancing, saying that he consider dancing as a natural movement, as that moment when you're listening to your favourite song and suddenly you start moving. Not because you're trying to dance but because feel like dancing. I couldn't agree more.  We are by nature movement beings, we are never static. Taking up the definition g

Peace vs trouble

 Peace vs trouble  As incredible as it may seem they are not that different from each other, they're both part of our life and I'll even dare to say that they play an important role. Trouble can pump up yourself, and by trouble I don't mean problems but exciting trouble, those adventures you tell when you get old to your grandchildren. On the other hand too much trouble could turn out to be a pain in the ass, wishing to be filled with peace. Too much peace can kill you slowly, because as humans, we need action in our lives, something to keep you awake, to keep you alive and motivated to keep going. Lack of actions, lead us to lack of emotions, besides feelings what also leads to depression. Retaking what has been said, we can end up by saying that both are necessary on our lives but keep them balanced can be everything but easy.  Once I used to look for trouble and trouble only, I was so desperate to finding new feelings and being constantly excited that I forgot that I als

How to know when to leave?

 How to know when to leave? Let go of something you though it was made for you, someone you though will be there forever, it is everything but easy, it could take a long time to realise it is just time to leave. When I say it could take long, I can't give you a precise period of time, but what I do know is that it is never the same, it hits all of us at least once in life, you know? realise that you have been holding so long on to something meant to be free a long ago. But it never takes the same time, depends on you. Besides, multiple factors and reasons why you haven't give up on that already. I strongly believe in the quote right thing, wrong time. It applies to lots of things, work, people, desires, wishes, hobbies, beyond others. On the other hand I have quite a dilemma. While I believe that some opportunities do not show twice in your life I also believe that when something it is meant to be for you, it will come back, sometimes in the most unexpected ways but it will.  T