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Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2021

Superstitions and beliefs

  Superstitions and beliefs  We all believe in some, at least one. Whatever you called it, luck, faith, even destiny. We kind of believe that some actions, people, objects can push us to get what we want, or bring it to us. I strongly believe in laws of attraction, you attract what you think, I know, sometimes it works and sometimes it just doesn't. Nobody knows why.  We rely on superstitions because we're smart enough to know we don't have all the answers and that life works in mysterious ways. You may be a science person but even science doesn't have all the answers. It's funny because sometimes the most unexpected things happen and sometimes the expected happens. For example doctors, their job is mostly based on medicine, science by definition but it had happen to most of them, some medical cases, they cannot explain, they have no clue how a patience bound to die, suddenly was healed. They can called it however they what anomaly or miracle. My point is, even scie


  Privacy Don't tell them, be happy, become better, be on a relationship, be successful and don't tell them, enjoy the quiet, happy and peaceful moment by yourself. Not everyone cares about what happens in your life, the ones that actually care will live it together with you, will be happy for you. No one would deny that the world is full with envy. The more you tell others how good or happy you are the more there would be those who wish you the worst. Besides, the more you tell others about their life, more important their opinion and approval becomes. For sure you won't be able to satisfy nor exceed everyones expectations, you don't have to. Focus on doing more than what you tell others, being more than what others see.  I'm gonna put forward an example. If a guy suddenly wins the lottery and go from here to there claiming he have just won the lottery, he has way more possibilities for someone to try to stole his money. This is just an example but it happens just

Ego and self-love

  Ego and self-love  Not as bad nor as good as it may seem, ego can save you, either ruin you too.  Why do I say so? Because the way I see it, and it's important to say that this is only a matter of a point of view.  We know ego is not same that self love, ego by definition is the excessive amount of love for your self, but what can be wrong with loving yourself a little too much.  It starts getting messy when you stop caring at all for everybody around you. When you're too busy feeling better than others to care for someone else but yourself.  Moreover, I mentioned that ego can also save you, when? whenever others try to hurt you because you know that you're too dam good to suffer for someone that you want to convince yourself is not good enough for you.  Believe me it is not as bas as it seems, it is way true that not everyone deserves the best part of you. Ego helps to be selective and yeah, we may need to watch ourselves from becoming selfish and arrogant but also for g


 Forgiveness  People get hurt and hurt others everyday, sometimes even unconsciously, trying to help or do best. The thing is, being hurt and hurting others is part of our life, it's impossible to avoid it. It's not about how much damage we have caused but how we repair it, it's about if we choose rather stay, forgive or ask for forgiveness or run away from. No one said it's easy because it's not, it's everything but easy.  You must know that in order to forgive, you must heal by yourself first, you cannot wait until the others recognise their mistake so on you can forgive them, on my own experience I can say that when you forgive someone, no necessarily you need to hear the words sorry going out from their mouth.  It would be stupid to keep asking for forgiveness and keep making the same mistakes over and over again. That only means that you're asking for the wrong forgiveness. The true one is when you feel ashamed and bad, you realised what you did and the


  Death We certainly can't know where, when, how. There are a bunch of questions that we can keep asking but we won't get answers for sure.  On the one hand there's those who are afraid of dying, they say they live but they don't, they actually quite busy being afraid of dying, which also keep them away for the true living. On the other hand there are those who take theirs life away as it meant nothing.  Both cases may seem way different but they're the same, they both act due to fear. Living with fear is not living at all. There are also those who are afraid of dying without leaving a trace on its way. I get them, but truth is you don't actually need to do something extraordinary with your life so it is worth it, you only need to live and enjoy while you do so. You don't need a lot of people to remember you but those who really cared about you. As I was saying you don't know so death can be considered as an uncertainty of life. Once I heard people do th

Too much

  Too much When do we know when it's already too much time, love, money, pain, beyond others? We never do, at least not until we hit the wall.  Lets start with love, lots could claim that it is never too much love but they wrong, it becomes too much love when you give and they gave nothing back to you, ever when giving without getting it back is a lovely gesture, it is true that soon or later, everyone get tired of just giving and not receiving anything. Why? because you give and give and become empty, there's nothing else to give because you already gave everything, that only mean something, you gave too much. Moreover, no one can tell us when it is too much of something, it is something we need to discover by ourselves, otherwise, we will be living according to others measures. None excess is considered to be good, it's never okay to have too much of something, whatever this is. Too much candy, pall on, too much alcohol, dead. See?  That's why whenever you spend too m


  Communication   While it is true that it is of the first things we learn in life, it is also true that as we grow up and learn words, the harder it gets to know what to say or how to ask for what we need. It is everything but easy knowing what to say all the time, to someone you're mad at, to give bad news, to tell someone you love him, there's just a bunch of stuff that are not as easy to say as they may look. Sometimes we say with movements, face expressions what we cannot express with words, for example, we cry, crying is a way of expressing the sadness or pain inside of us. Moreover, we need words, because as much as we would like everyone to gets us without saying a word, that's just impossible. No one can guess what we think, or at least most of people can't, you need something and you're expecting someone to help you? and then you just get mad because for some reason that person didn't, let me tell is not their fault but yours. Need anything? Say it. Yo

Do not rush

 Do not rush  Some will agree with me when I say that good things take time. Anyone can get something easy but not everyone can achieve the hard ones.  Looking at others watches is one of the biggest mistakes people usually make. We have been taught to do things in exactly the same time others do, in the time it's believed to be correct and appropriated but why not doing first what others do second and vice versa. We must learn that something that takes you a minute doing, may take an hour to other one, and that's just fine. In the end it's not about how long took you but if you achieve it, if you killed it. Do not rush is today's article title. Why? Because I see people being in a hurry everyday, literally they are rushing to work, a meeting, beyond others but that's the literal meaning. Getting a little deeper into it, will show that if not all, most of us are usually in a constant rush all the time. Study, finish your degree and hurry because otherwise it's g

What remains

 What remains  There are lots of things which are made to last only one chapter in our life, things, people and experiences that we get to live in order to learn, improve and become a better version of ourselves. Moreover, there are also those which remain until the day we die, memories, things and people as well. Those who are made for staying in our life, those who doesn't matter how many times you try to pull them away, they decide to stay and not because they have to but because they want to, because they love you enough so they can't leave. Take care of them and be thankful because life always send us the ones we need, always, maybe some would desire things to be other way but what they do not get is that there's no other way. Let things come to your way, there are those that whenever things get harder, they hold you tighter and yeah, also those who leave when things get tough. Time is what eventually shows you, who will stay and remain in your life, it's funny bec

Learning to be alone

 Being alone  It's true that this is not a hard thing to do for everyone, but it surely is for lots. Being alone is something we all must learn because the lack of awareness could lead to fall for the wrong arms.  Love enough being alone, so that only a incredible person can take you out of it.  Whenever we learn to be alone, we will realise that not everyone is worthy our time. But also I'll like to mention that not knowing to be on your own could be disastrous, leading to multiple issues just like depression. It's okay not having people around all the time, it's okay to be just you for some time. The silence is also what I would consider as one of the hardest things when it comes to loneliness. But once someone told me that there's wisdom in silence.  There are lots of things that are not made for being collaborative, at least I would say so, like, meditating, we all need that once a time. This leads me to say that we all for nature need sometime alone, doing some