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Feeling inspired


While It’s true that finding inspiration is getting harder each and every day, it’s also true that inspiration is in everything around us. Let me explain myself.

With the time I have realised that everyone and all find inspiration with diferent types of things.

In this article I will talk about some of them, you may wonder how do I know, well, I’ll talk about the ones that I have found most inspiring. Besides the ones that even when I don’t look eye to eye with the people, I’ve seen them work as inspiration for them.

No one will dispute that everyone is diferent and what works for your someone may not work for you, so, keep your mind open and consider trying some of the ones below. Remember if it doesn’t work, try another one. What’s most important is not giving up.

1. People

Lots of guys find inspiration in others, not necessarily just in one, you can find inspiration in someone famous, a family member, a friend, teachers, etc. 

But what make us admire someone at the certain point of getting inspired by them?

Strenght is if not the most, one of the things that people admire the most in others. How they stood up when everything in their lives felt wrong, not   up with the fist wrong step taken but keep trying until they reached their goal no matter the difficulties nor the sacrificies that must’ve been made.  

Moreover, humanity is also one that I admire the most in some individuals, the way they feel as equal as the others, within matters of money or status. Helping others goes also together with this.

2. Music 

Music is nothing but that thing that stays in our lives until the day we die, and if we learn to appreciate it, sounds will keep reminding us that we are alive, we’re not robots but humans and yeah why not, we can dance. It has happened to all of us. It’s impressing a song has the power to change our humor. Don’t you believe me? Put a sad song on your headphones and no matter how happy you are, it will change your mood within seconds. Also the other way around. What does this has to do with inspiration? Undoubtably happiness has its main role when it comes to feeling inspired, it is that small thing like a motor in your life so I’ll give you the clue. If music make you feel happy, go ahead and listen to your favourite albun. Feeling sad is nothing but that obstacle in your way that does not allow you to keep going.

3. Movies 

This is no surprise for anyone, why not? You can also get inspired by a movie. There are a bunch of movies that inspire. I mean if not all, most movies have a mesage behind them. As I always say, take the best in everything and make it yours.

4. Travel 

I won’t deny that some people prefer to stay at home, and that’s perfectly fine but personally this is the one with which I realate the most, when I’m on a trip I can’t help but think how beautiful and big the world is. In some way I find that insipiring knowing that it’s never to late to make your dreams come true because life is full of them. Travel give me the chance to realise that we live in a world full of possibilities, big and small ones. It taught me that its not wrong to have a different way of thinking than the others because its a big world with some minds greater than others. If you are simply not progresing, your place could be somewhere else. 

But, there’s somethimg important you must not forget. Don’t focus all your atention in the place that you would want to be that you forget where you are. Travel, travel a lot but don’t forget that you can be happy anywhere that depends only on you .

5. Nature 

Not everyone but some special people appreciate nature and take it as inspiration. Why do I say speacal people? Because those few are the ones aware of what really matters in life. My grandpa used to ask why people didn’t appreciate those small things in life like trees, animals, the sound of the crickets at night, the moon, stars, the sun, the greatness of the sea and even the oxigen that we breathe. 

Artists, philosophics and as I just said some special individuals spend hours observating and getting amazed by these things that for most would be those small things that follow us while we grow and always. I would like to put foward what I’d call one of the biggest mistakes of the human and its not being aware of all the magic and greatness around us and take it as granted.

Suggestion. Whenever you can, go outside your house at night and get your head up. Admire how big the sky is and how small are we. Remember that no matter in what you believe in, if you are here is because you have a propose even if that propose only involve being happy.

Breath and say thanks, for being you, for what you have and also what you don’t. Promise your self keep trying everyday to be better, no better than anyone but yourself. As I said this is just a suggestion you can try and who knows it may work for you the way it inspires me.



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