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Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2022


  Relationships   No one said being in a relationship was easy, no matter if we're talking about a relation with friends, family or a couple. Let me tell you why a relationship is not easy, we all think different than the other. Besides, never mind you are kind of similar with your partner, you are still a whole different person.  The thing is that unfortunately, ego, pride and selfishness take the first place, even when we deny it. There's a huge dissimilarity between loving yourself and being way to pride. You can know what's your place and what you deserve, that's healthy and what most people should do. But when pride exceed you is when you're too busy thinking you're always right to see another point of view, to become a little emphatic with the other. It is for us to know that it is so easy for us to count faults with fingers but we have our too, we can claim how much we hate when others act someway but surely the other has its complains too. I'm saying


  Fortuity   As humans we are finding kinds, what do I mean by that? Well, we usually go through life searching for all kinds of things, material and non material. The thing is, life is funny that way, sometimes the best things come when you're not looking for them, when you least expect them. Life is besides sarcastic, ironic, you plan something to happen and in the end of the day it happen just a hole different thing.  Have you ever heard of those who look for a couple so desperately? Well, it's funny because they are the ones who normally find harder to find one. On the other hand there are those who don't give a dam about searching for someone but they focus their attention on other stuff and life somehow send someone to step into their lives. Of course, not all coincidences end up well, but what I am pretty sure about is that everyone who you get to know has a reason for doing so.  Moreover, I'll dare to say that from my experience the best people that I've eve