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Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2022


  Good   Once someone told me that no matter how much I have been hurt, never stop being good and doing good, because even when it looks like doing good is for others, is for my own gain. I've felt it and I guess everyone has, doing good and being good for something or someone not worth it. Nevertheless, in the end we must be conscious that give talks more about who gave it than for the one to receive it. Whatever you give, if you give it from heart, you won't regret it, even if it wasn't deserve it.  No one would claim that being good and doing good feels good, and it comes back, it always does. Not always in the way we want or expect to but sometimes we don't even notice. Maybe you have a humongous peace or joy, see? it's kind of coming back to you. All joy, help and love you give, even when it looks as if it was given to others, you're kind of giving it to you too. We are all good in different ways, and being able to see good in people is a gift that not ever


   Broken   We are all with no exceptions kind of broken, someway or another. The thing is, being broken is what makes us, because even broken we decide to stand up and continue, sometimes hoping one day that hole disappears. Life never gives more than you can take, there will always be reasons to continue fighting, to continue believing, even when most people have let us down.   Most of the times we have to repair in our selves what can be repair, what I mean is that there'll be those things and memories that will never be forgotten, but eventually they'll stop hurting us, haunting or even scaring us. One day something suddenly change, someone maybe step into our lives to remember us the good things and makes us believe in people again.  Or maybe you are your own hero, and realise that the only one with power enough to save you is you. I read a quote that we are all broken and that is the way in which light came in.  Being broken also proofs you, being on your most vulnerable 


  Grateful We are constantly too busy thinking about what's going to happen, that we forget to thank for what we have. Or too blinded by thinking about problems to see all people around us, doing things for us. We forget to say thanks once a while, and let me tell you that no matter how bad you think your life is right away, it could be worse. Everything could be worse, once I read that life give us fights, we are able to fight, never the other way round.  There are always reasons enough to be thankful, from the smallest to the biggest one.  When we stop focussing so much on what we want or worry and focus on how bless we are and all we've got, that's the moment when you attract what you think. It's not a law or anything but at least for me, it works, if I'm thinking how bless I am, all the gifts that life gives me, somehow I receive more and best, even when I can see it right in the moment, the time makes me realise that if something left was for the good, for the


  Loyalty   An humongous quality, it is defined as a strong feeling of support or allegiance.  One can possibly be loyal in so many ways, loyal to your beliefs, mostly cause we are living in a world where it is needed to think alike others to fit in society, but while it is true that we do not have all the right answers, it is also true that leaving our thoughts behind to replace them all with others is disloyal to yourself. The world is such a big place, with space enough for all beliefs to fit, no one has the right to make you think different, besides pieces of advices are needed one a while. Be loyal to what encourage you to be better and do as well. Loyal to those who were loyal to you. It is no one's surprise if I tell you that not everyone deserves your loyalty cause there will be some who won't think it twice before betray it. Be careful to who are you loyal to. It takes time to contradistinguish who is worthy and who is not but the time will tell.  Loyalty is truth, be